Fire-and-forget tasks

Last updated on 2024-11-18 | Edit this page



  • “How do we execute work in parallel?”


  • “Launching multiple threads to execute tasks in parallel.”
  • “Learn how to use begin, cobegin, and coforall to spawn new tasks.”


In the very first chapter where we showed how to run single-node Chapel codes. As a refresher, let’s go over this again. If you are running Chapel on your own computer, then you are all set, and you can simply compile and run Chapel codes. If you are on a cluster, you will need to run Chapel codes inside interactive jobs. Here so far we are covering only single-locale Chapel, so – from the login node – you can submit an interactive job to the scheduler with a command like this one:


salloc --time=2:0:0 --ntasks=1 --cpus-per-task=3 --mem-per-cpu=1000

The details may vary depending on your cluster, e.g. different scheduler, requirement to specify an account or reservation, etc, but the general idea remains the same: on a cluster you need to ask for resources before you can run calculations. In this case we are asking for 2 hours maximum runtime, single MPI task (sufficient for our parallelism in this chapter), 3 CPU cores inside that task, and 1000M maximum memory per core. The core count means that we can run 3 threads in parallel, each on its own CPU core. Once your interactive job starts, you can compile and run the Chapel codes below. Inside your Chapel code, when new threads start, they will be able to utilize our 3 allocated CPU cores.

A Chapel program always start as a single main thread. You can then start concurrent tasks with the begin statement. A task spawned by the begin statement will run in a different thread while the main thread continues its normal execution. Consider the following example:

var x = 0;

writeln("This is the main thread starting first task");
  var c = 0;
  while c < 10
    c += 1;
    writeln('thread 1: ', x+c);

writeln("This is the main thread starting second task");
  var c = 0;
  while c < 10
    c += 1;
    writeln('thread 2: ', x+c);

writeln('this is main thread, I am done...');


chpl begin_example.chpl


This is the main thread starting first task
This is the main thread starting second task
this is main thread, I am done...
thread 1: 1
thread 1: 2
thread 1: 3
thread 1: 4
thread 1: 5
thread 1: 6
thread 1: 7
thread 1: 8
thread 1: 9
thread 1: 10
thread 2: 1
thread 2: 2
thread 2: 3
thread 2: 4
thread 2: 5
thread 2: 6
thread 2: 7
thread 2: 8
thread 2: 9
thread 2: 10

As you can see the order of the output is not what we would expected, and actually it is completely unpredictable. This is a well known effect of concurrent tasks accessing the same shared resource at the same time (in this case the screen); the system decides in which order the tasks could write to the screen.

Challenge 1: what if c is defined globally?

What would happen if in the last code we move the definition of c into the main thread, but try to assign it from threads 1 and 2? Select one answer from these:

  1. The code will fail to compile.
  2. The code will compile and run, but c will be updated by both threads at the same time (a race condition), so that its final value will vary from one run to another.
  3. The code will compile and run, and the two threads will be taking turns updating c, so that its final value will always be the same.

We’ll get an error at compilation (“cannot assign to const variable”), since then c would be defined within the scope of the main thread, and we could modify its value only in the main thread. Any attempt to modify its value inside threads 1 or 2 will produce a compilation error.

Challenge 2: what if we have a second, local definition of x?

What would happen if we try to insert a second definition var x = 10; inside the first begin statement? Select one answer from these:

  1. The code will fail to compile.
  2. The code will compile and run, and the inside the first begin statement the value x = 10 will be used, whereas inside the second begin statement the value x = 0 will be used.
  3. The new value x = 10 will overwrite the global value x = 0 in both threads 1 and 2.

The code will compile and run, and you will see the following output:


This is the main thread starting first task
This is the main thread starting second task
this is main thread, I am done...
thread 1: 11
thread 1: 12
thread 1: 13
thread 1: 14
thread 1: 15
thread 1: 16
thread 1: 17
thread 1: 18
thread 1: 19
thread 1: 20
thread 2: 1
thread 2: 2
thread 2: 3
thread 2: 4
thread 2: 5
thread 2: 6
thread 2: 7
thread 2: 8
thread 2: 9
thread 2: 10


All variables have a scope in which they can be used. The variables declared inside a concurrent task are accessible only by that task. The variables declared in the main task can be read everywhere, but Chapel won’t allow other concurrent tasks to modify them.

Try this …

Are the concurrent tasks, spawned by the last code, running truly in parallel?

The answer is: it depends on the number of cores available to your Chapel code. To verify this, let’s modify the code to get both threads 1 and 2 into an infinite loop:

  var c=0;
  while c > -1
       c += 1;
      // the rest of the code in the thread

Compile and run the code:


chpl begin_example.chpl

If you are running this on your own computer, you can run top or htop or ps commands in another terminal to check Chapel’s CPU usage. If you are running inside an interactive job on a cluster, you can open a different terminal, log in to the cluster, and open a bash shell on the node that is running your job (if your cluster setup allows this):


squeue -u $USER                   # check the jobID number
srun --jobid=<jobID> --pty bash   # put your jobID here
htop -u $USER -s PERCENT_CPU      # display CPU usage and other information

In the output of htop you will see a table with the list of your processes, and in the “CPU%” column you will see the percentage consumed by each process. Find the Chapel process, and if it shows that your CPU usage is close to 300%, you are using 3 CPU cores. What do you see?

Now exit htop by pressing Q. Also exit your interactive run by pressing Ctrl-C.


To maximise performance, start as many tasks as cores are available.

A slightly more structured way to start concurrent tasks in Chapel is by using the cobeginstatement. Here you can start a block of concurrent tasks, one for each statement inside the curly brackets. The main difference between the beginand cobegin statements is that with the cobegin, all the spawned tasks are synchronised at the end of the statement, i.e. the main thread won’t continue its execution until all tasks are done.

var x=0;
writeln("This is the main thread, my value of x is ",x);

    var x=5;
    writeln("this is task 1, my value of x is ",x);
  writeln("this is task 2, my value of x is ",x);

writeln("this message won't appear until all tasks are done...");


chpl cobegin_example.chpl


This is the main thread, my value of x is 0
this is task 2, my value of x is 0
this is task 1, my value of x is 5
this message won't appear until all tasks are done...

As you may have conclude from the Discussion exercise above, the variables declared inside a task are accessible only by the task, while those variables declared in the main task are accessible to all tasks.

The last, and most useful way to start concurrent/parallel tasks in Chapel, is the coforall loop. This is a combination of the for-loop and the cobeginstatements. The general syntax is:

coforall index in iterand

This will start a new task, for each iteration. Each tasks will then perform all the instructions inside the curly brackets. Each task will have a copy of the variable index with the corresponding value yielded by the iterand. This index allows us to customise the set of instructions for each particular task.

var x=1;
config var numoftasks=2;

writeln("This is the main task: x = ",x);

coforall taskid in 1..numoftasks
  var c=taskid+1;
  writeln("this is task ",taskid,": x + ",taskid," = ",x+taskid,". My value of c is: ",c);

writeln("this message won't appear until all tasks are done...");


chpl coforall_example.chpl
./coforall_example --numoftasks=5


This is the main task: x = 1
this is task 5: x + 5 = 6. My value of c is: 6
this is task 2: x + 2 = 3. My value of c is: 3
this is task 4: x + 4 = 5. My value of c is: 5
this is task 3: x + 3 = 4. My value of c is: 4
this is task 1: x + 1 = 2. My value of c is: 2
this message won't appear until all tasks are done...

Notice how we are able to customise the instructions inside the coforall, to give different results depending on the task that is executing them. Also, notice how, once again, the variables declared outside the coforall can be read by all tasks, while the variables declared inside, are available only to the particular task.

Challenge 3: Can you do it?

Would it be possible to print all the messages in the right order? Modify the code in the last example as required.

Hint: you can use an array of strings declared in the main task, where all the concurrent tasks could write their messages in the corresponding position. Then, at the end, have the main task printing all elements of the array in order.

The following code is a possible solution:

var x = 1;
config var numoftasks = 2;
var messages: [1..numoftasks] string;

writeln("This is the main task: x = ", x);

coforall taskid in 1..numoftasks {
  var c = taskid + 1;
  messages[taskid] = 'this is task ' + taskid:string +
    ': my value of c is ' + c:string + ' and x is ' + x:string;

for i in 1..numoftasks do writeln(messages[i]);
writeln("this message won't appear until all tasks are done...");


chpl exercise_coforall.chpl
./exercise_coforall --numoftasks=5


This is the main task: x = 1
this is task 1: x + 1 = 2. My value of c is: 2
this is task 2: x + 2 = 3. My value of c is: 3
this is task 3: x + 3 = 4. My value of c is: 4
this is task 4: x + 4 = 5. My value of c is: 5
this is task 5: x + 5 = 6. My value of c is: 6
this message won't appear until all tasks are done...

Note that we need to convert integers to strings first (taskid:string converts taskid integer variable to a string) before we can add them to other strings to form a message stored inside each messages element.

Challenge 4: Can you do it?

Consider the following code:

use Random;
config const nelem = 100_000_000;
var x: [1..nelem] int;
fillRandom(x);	//fill array with random numbers
var mymax = 0;

// here put your code to find mymax

writeln("the maximum value in x is: ", mymax);

Write a parallel code to find the maximum value in the array x.

config const numtasks = 12;
const n = nelem/numtasks;     // number of elements per thread
const r = nelem - n*numtasks; // these elements did not fit into the last thread

var d: [1..numtasks] int;  // local maxima for each thread

coforall taskid in 1..numtasks {
  var i, f: int;
  i  = (taskid-1)*n + 1;
  f = (taskid-1)*n + n;
  if taskid == numtasks then f += r; // add r elements to the last thread
  for j in i..f do
    if x[j] > d[taskid] then d[taskid] = x[j];
for i in 1..numtasks do
  if d[i] > mymax then mymax = d[i];


chpl --fast exercise_coforall_2.chpl


the maximum value in x is: 9223372034161572255   # large random integer

We use the coforall loop to spawn tasks that work concurrently in a fraction of the array. The trick here is to determine, based on the taskid, the initial and final indices that the task will use. Each task obtains the maximum in its fraction of the array, and finally, after the coforall is done, the main task obtains the maximum of the array from the maximums of all tasks.

Try this …

Substitute the code to find mymax in the last exercise with:

mymax=max reduce x;

Time the execution of the original code and this new one. How do they compare?


It is always a good idea to check whether there is built-in functions or methods in the used language, that can do what we want to do as efficiently (or better) than our house-made code. In this case, the reduce statement reduces the given array to a single number using the given operation (in this case max), and it is parallelized and optimised to have a very good performance.

The code in these last Exercises somehow synchronise the tasks to obtain the desired result. In addition, Chapel has specific mechanisms task synchronisation, that could help us to achieve fine-grained parallelization.

Key Points

  • “Use begin or cobegin or coforall to spawn new tasks.”
  • “You can run more than one task per core, as the number of cores on a node is limited.”