Task parallelism with Chapel
Last updated on 2024-11-18 | Edit this page
- “How do I write parallel code for a real use case?”
- “First objective.”
Here is our plan to task-parallelize the heat transfer equation:
- divide the entire grid of points into blocks and assign blocks to individual tasks,
- each task should compute the new temperature of its assigned points,
- perform a reduction over the whole grid,
to update the greatest temperature difference between
For the reduction of the grid we can simply use the
max reduce
statement, which is already parallelized. Now,
let’s divide the grid into rowtasks
x coltasks
sub-grids, and assign each sub-grid to a task using the
loop (we will have rowtasks*coltasks
tasks in total).
config const rowtasks = 2;
config const coltasks = 2;
// this is the main loop of the simulation
delta = tolerance;
while (c<niter && delta>=tolerance) {
c += 1;
coforall taskid in 0..coltasks*rowtasks-1 {
for i in rowi..rowf {
for j in coli..colf {
temp_new[i,j] = (temp[i-1,j] + temp[i+1,j] + temp[i,j-1] + temp[i,j+1]) / 4;
delta = max reduce (temp_new-temp);
temp = temp_new;
if c%outputFrequency == 0 then writeln('Temperature at iteration ',c,': ',temp[x,y]);
Note that now the nested for
loops run from
to rowf
and from coli
which are, respectively, the initial and final row and
column of the sub-grid associated to the task taskid
. To
compute these limits, based on taskid
, we need to compute
the number of rows and columns per task (nr
, respectively) and account for possible non-zero
remainders (rr
and rc
) that we should add to
the last row and column:
config const rowtasks = 2;
config const coltasks = 2;
const nr = rows/rowtasks;
const rr = rows-nr*rowtasks;
const nc = cols/coltasks;
const rc = cols-nc*coltasks;
// this is the main loop of the simulation
delta = tolerance;
while (c<niter && delta>=tolerance) {
coforall taskid in 0..coltasks*rowtasks-1 {
var rowi, coli, rowf, colf: int;
var taskr, taskc: int;
taskr = taskid/coltasks;
taskc = taskid%coltasks;
if taskr<rr {
else {
rowi = (taskr*nr)+1+rr;
rowf = (taskr*nr)+nr+rr;
if taskc<rc {
coli = (taskc*nc)+1+taskc;
colf = (taskc*nc)+nc+taskc+1;
else {
coli = (taskc*nc)+1+rc;
colf = (taskc*nc)+nc+rc;
for i in rowi..rowf {
for j in coli..colf {
As you can see, to divide a data set (the array temp
this case) between concurrent tasks, could be cumbersome. Chapel
provides high-level abstractions for data parallelism that take care of
all the data distribution for us. We will study data parallelism in the
following lessons, but for now, let’s compare the benchmark solution
with our coforall
parallelization to see how the
performance improved.
chpl --fast parallel1.chpl
./parallel1 --rows=650 --cols=650 --x=200 --y=300 --niter=10000 --tolerance=0.002 --outputFrequency=1000
The simulation will consider a matrix of 650 by 650 elements,
it will run up to 10000 iterations, or until the largest difference
in temperature between iterations is less than 0.002.
You are interested in the evolution of the temperature at the position (200,300) of the matrix...
and here we go...
Temperature at iteration 0: 25.0
Temperature at iteration 1000: 25.0
Temperature at iteration 2000: 25.0
Temperature at iteration 3000: 25.0
Temperature at iteration 4000: 24.9998
Temperature at iteration 5000: 24.9984
Temperature at iteration 6000: 24.9935
Temperature at iteration 7000: 24.9819
The simulation took 17.0193 seconds
Final temperature at the desired position after 7750 iterations is: 24.9671
The greatest difference in temperatures between the last two iterations was: 0.00199985
This parallel solution, using 4 parallel tasks, took around 17
seconds to finish. Compared with the ~20 seconds needed by the benchmark
solution, seems not very impressive. To understand the reason, let’s
analyse the code’s flow. When the program starts, the main thread does
all the declarations and initialisations, and then, it enters the main
loop of the simulation (the while loop).
Inside this loop, the parallel tasks are launched for the first time.
When these tasks finish their computations, the main task resumes its
execution, it updates delta
, and everything is repeated
again. So, in essence, parallel tasks are launched and resumed 7750
times, which introduces a significant amount of overhead (the time the
system needs to effectively start and destroy threads in the specific
hardware, at each iteration of the while loop).
Clearly, a better approach would be to launch the parallel tasks just once, and have them executing all the simulations, before resuming the main task to print the final results.
config const rowtasks = 2;
config const coltasks = 2;
const nr = rows/rowtasks;
const rr = rows-nr*rowtasks;
const nc = cols/coltasks;
const rc = cols-nc*coltasks;
// this is the main loop of the simulation
delta = tolerance;
coforall taskid in 0..coltasks*rowtasks-1 {
var rowi, coli, rowf, colf: int;
var taskr, taskc: int;
var c = 0;
taskr = taskid/coltasks;
taskc = taskid%coltasks;
if taskr<rr {
rowi = (taskr*nr)+1+taskr;
rowf = (taskr*nr)+nr+taskr+1;
else {
rowi = (taskr*nr)+1+rr;
rowf = (taskr*nr)+nr+rr;
if taskc<rc {
coli = (taskc*nc)+1+taskc;
colf = (taskc*nc)+nc+taskc+1;
else {
coli = (taskc*nc)+1+rc;
colf = (taskc*nc)+nc+rc;
while (c<niter && delta>=tolerance) {
c = c+1;
for i in rowi..rowf {
for j in coli..colf {
temp_new[i,j] = (temp[i-1,j] + temp[i+1,j] + temp[i,j-1] + temp[i,j+1]) / 4;
//update delta
//update temp
//print temperature in desired position
The problem with this approach is that now we have to explicitly
synchronise the tasks. Before, delta
and temp
were updated only by the main task at each iteration; similarly, only
the main task was printing results. Now, all these operations must be
carried inside the coforall loop, which imposes the need of
synchronisation between tasks.
The synchronisation must happen at two points:
- We need to be sure that all tasks have finished with the
computations of their part of the grid
, before updatingdelta
safely. - We need to be sure that all tasks use the updated value of
to evaluate the condition of the while loop for the next iteration.
To update delta
we could have each task computing the
greatest difference in temperature in its associated sub-grid, and then,
after the synchronisation, have only one task reducing all the
sub-grids’ maximums.
var delta: atomic real;
var myd: [0..coltasks*rowtasks-1] real;
//this is the main loop of the simulation
coforall taskid in 0..coltasks*rowtasks-1
var myd2: real;
while (c<niter && delta.read() >= tolerance) {
c = c+1;
for i in rowi..rowf {
for j in coli..colf {
temp_new[i,j] = (temp[i-1,j] + temp[i+1,j] + temp[i,j-1] + temp[i,j+1]) / 4;
myd2 = max(abs(temp_new[i,j]-temp[i,j]),myd2);
myd[taskid] = myd2
// here comes the synchronisation of tasks
temp[rowi..rowf,coli..colf] = temp_new[rowi..rowf,coli..colf];
if taskid==0 {
delta.write(max reduce myd);
if c%outputFrequency==0 then writeln('Temperature at iteration ',c,': ',temp[x,y]);
// here comes the synchronisation of tasks again
Challenge 4: Can you do it?
Use sync
or atomic
variables to implement
the synchronisation required in the code above.
One possible solution is to use an atomic variable as a lock
that opens (using the waitFor
method) when all the tasks
complete the required instructions
var lock: atomic int;
//this is the main loop of the simulation
coforall taskid in 0..coltasks*rowtasks-1
while (c<niter && delta>=tolerance)
//here comes the synchronisation of tasks
temp[rowi..rowf,coli..colf] = temp_new[rowi..rowf,coli..colf];
//here comes the synchronisation of tasks again
Using the solution in the Exercise 4, we can now compare the performance with the benchmark solution
chpl --fast parallel2.chpl
./parallel2 --rows=650 --cols=650 --x=200 --y=300 --niter=10000 --tolerance=0.002 --outputFrequency=1000
The simulation will consider a matrix of 650 by 650 elements,
it will run up to 10000 iterations, or until the largest difference
in temperature between iterations is less than 0.002.
You are interested in the evolution of the temperature at the position (200,300) of the matrix...
and here we go...
Temperature at iteration 0: 25.0
Temperature at iteration 1000: 25.0
Temperature at iteration 2000: 25.0
Temperature at iteration 3000: 25.0
Temperature at iteration 4000: 24.9998
Temperature at iteration 5000: 24.9984
Temperature at iteration 6000: 24.9935
Temperature at iteration 7000: 24.9819
The simulation took 4.2733 seconds
Final temperature at the desired position after 7750 iterations is: 24.9671
The greatest difference in temperatures between the last two iterations was: 0.00199985
to see that we now have a code that performs 5x faster.
We finish this section by providing another, elegant version of the 2D heat transfer solver (without time stepping) using data parallelism on a single locale:
use Math; /* for exp() */
const n = 100, stride = 20;
var temp: [0..n+1, 0..n+1] real;
var temp_new: [1..n,1..n] real;
var x, y: real;
for (i,j) in {1..n,1..n} { // serial iteration
x = ((i:real)-0.5)/n;
y = ((j:real)-0.5)/n;
temp[i,j] = exp(-((x-0.5)**2 + (y-0.5)**2)/0.01); // narrow Gaussian peak
coforall (i,j) in {1..n,1..n} by (stride,stride) { // 5x5 decomposition into 20x20 blocks => 25 tasks
for k in i..i+stride-1 { // serial loop inside each block
for l in j..j+stride-1 {
temp_new[k,l] = (temp[k-1,l] + temp[k+1,l] + temp[k,l-1] + temp[k,l+1]) / 4;
We will study data parallelism in more detail in the next section.
Key Points
- “To parallelize the diffusion solver with tasks, you divide the 2D domain into blocks and assign each block to a task.”
- “To get the maximum performance, you need to launch the parallel tasks only once, and run the temporal loop of the simulation with the same set of tasks, resuming the main task only to print the final results.”
- “Parallelizing with tasks is more laborious than parallelizing with data (covered in the next section).”