This lesson is in the early stages of development (Alpha version)

Resources and parallelism


Teaching: 30 min
Exercises: 15 min
  • How do I scale a pipeline across multiple cores?

  • How do I manage access to resources while working in parallel?

  • Modify your pipeline to run in parallel.

After the exercises at the end of our last lesson, our Snakefile looks something like this (note the dats and print_book_names rules are no longer required so they have been removed):

# Build the list of book names. We need to use it multiple times when building
# the lists of files that will be built in the workflow
BOOK_NAMES = glob_wildcards('./books/{book}.txt').book

# The list of all dat files
DATS = expand('dats/{file}.dat', file=BOOK_NAMES)

# The list of all plot files
PLOTS = expand('plots/{file}.png', file=BOOK_NAMES)

# pseudo-rule that tries to build everything.
# Just add all the final outputs that you want built.
rule all:
    input: 'zipf_analysis.tar.gz'

# Generate summary table
rule zipf_test:
    output: 'results.txt'
    shell:  'python {input.cmd} {input.dats} > {output}'

# delete everything so we can re-run things
rule clean:
    shell: 'rm -rf dats/ plots/ results.txt zipf_analysis.tar.gz'

# Count words in one of the books
rule count_words:
    output: 'dats/{book}.dat'
    shell: 'python {input.cmd} {} {output}'

# plot one word count dat file
rule make_plot:
    output: 'plots/{book}.png'
    shell: 'python {input.cmd} {input.dat} {output}'

# create an archive with all results
rule create_archive:
    input: 'results.txt', DATS, PLOTS
    output: 'zipf_analysis.tar.gz'
    shell: 'tar -czvf {output} {input}'

At this point, we have a complete data analysis pipeline. Very cool. But how do we make it run as efficiently as possible?

Running in parallel

Up to this point, Snakemake has printed out an interesting message whenever we run our pipeline (the exact text may vary with the snakemake version):

Provided cores: 1
Rules claiming more threads will be scaled down.

So far, Snakemake has been running in single-threaded mode, using just one CPU core. This means that even when Snakemake can identify tasks that could run at the same time, such as counting words in different books, it still runs them one at a time. Let’s see how to change that, and scale up our pipeline to run in parallel.

The only change we need to make is run Snakemake with the -c all argument instead of -c 1. -c all tells Snakemake the maximum number or CPU cores that it can use. You can also use the long-form --cores. The long-form is particularly useful in shell scripts to make your script self-documenting.

snakemake clean
snakemake -c 4    # 4 cores is usually a safe assumption when working on a laptop/desktop
Provided cores: 4
Rules claiming more threads will be scaled down.
# more output follows

Our pipeline ran in parallel and finished roughly 4 times as quickly! The takeaway here is that all we need to do to scale from a serial pipeline is run snakemake with the -c 4 option. By analysing the dependencies between rules, Snakemake automatically identifies which tasks can run at the same time. All you need to do is describe your workflow and Snakemake does the rest.


Using the long-form of command-line arguments can be useful in scripts. They make the code more understandable since you don’t need to remember what -c does. If you forget use snakemake -h to get the help commands for what each of these do, and how they differ when running on a remote computational resource.

When typing manually on the command-line, the short versions are faster.

How many CPUs does your computer have?

Now that our pipeline can use multiple CPUs, how do we know how many CPUs to provide to the -j option? Note that for all of these options, it’s best to use CPU cores, and not CPU threads.

Linux - You can use the lscpu command. Look for the number listed alongside CPU(s):.

All platforms - Python’s psutil module can be used to fetch the number of cores in your computer. Using logical=False returns the number of true CPU cores. logical=True gives the number of CPU threads on your system.

In a Python interpreter, try the following:

import psutil

Managing CPUs

Each rule has a number of optional keywords aside from the usual input, output, and shell/run. The threads keyword is used to specify how many CPU cores a rule needs while executing. Though in reality threads are not the same as CPU cores, the two terms are interchangeable when working with Snakemake.

Let’s pretend that our count_words rule is multithreaded and requires 4 CPU cores. We can specify this with the threads keyword in our rule. We will also modify the rule to print out the number of cores it thinks it is using.


Please note that just giving something 4 threads in Snakemake does not make it run in parallel! It just tells Snakemake to reserve that number of cores from the total available (indicated by the value passed to -c).

In this case is actually still running with 1 core, we are simply using it as a demonstration of how to go about running something with multiple cores since we don’t have any truly parallel tasks.

rule count_words:
    output: 'dats/{file}.dat'
    threads: 4
        echo "Running {input.cmd} with {threads} cores."
        python {input.cmd} {} {output}

Windows Note

When running on Windows using Git Bash and Anaconda, the previous code will not work. Multiline strings containing multiple shell commands are not executed correctly. The simplest workaround is to add &&\ to the end of all lines except the last inside the multiline shell command:

rule count_words:
    output: 'dats/{file}.dat'
    threads: 4
        echo "Running {input.cmd} with {threads} cores." &&\
        python {input.cmd} {} {output}

Now, when we run snakemake -c 4, the count_words rules are run one at a time. All of our other rules will still run in parallel. Unless otherwise specified with {threads}, rules will use 1 core by default.

Provided cores: 4
Rules claiming more threads will be scaled down.
Job counts:
	count	jobs
	1	all
	4	count_words
	1	make_archive
	4	make_plot
	1	zipf_test

rule count_words:
    input:, books/last.txt
    output: dats/last.dat
    jobid: 3
    wildcards: file=last
    threads: 4

Running with 4 cores.
Finished job 3.
1 of 11 steps (9%) done

# other output follows

What happens when we don’t have 4 cores available? What if we tell Snakemake to run with 2 cores instead?

snakemake -c 2
Provided cores: 2
Rules claiming more threads will be scaled down.
Job counts:
	count	jobs
	1	all
	4	count_words
	1	make_archive
	4	make_plot
	1	zipf_test

rule count_words:
    input:, books/last.txt
    output: dats/last.dat
    jobid: 6
    wildcards: file=last
    threads: 2

Running with 2 cores.
Finished job 6.
1 of 11 steps (9%) done

# more output below

The answer is given by Rules claiming more threads will be scaled down.. When Snakemake doesn’t have enough cores to run a rule (as defined by {threads}), that rule will run with the maximum available number of cores instead. After all, Snakemake’s job is to get our workflow done. It automatically scales our workload to match the maximum number of cores available without us editing the Snakefile.

If you absolutely must have a minimum number of cores for a rule

If you have a task that cannot run with less than a specific number of cores, then you can check the value of {threads} using a Bash if test:

        if [ {threads} -lt 4 ]
            echo Not enough threads for task
            exit 1

        # Your actual command goes here

This code tests if the current value of {threads} is less than 4. If it is, then it exits with an error code of 1. You can use any value you like so long as it is not 0. An exit code of 0 indicates success.

If the value of {threads} is at least the same as your minimum requirement then the rest of the shell section will execute.

If you have a Python run command then you should use regular Python to do a similar check.

Note that unfortunately this approach does not work on Windows.

Tasks Still Need to Know How Many Cores are Available

How the number of threads required by a rule matches the number of cores allowed to Snakemake by the -c N argument determines how many instances of that rule Snakemake will run at the same time. It does not mean that the code being executed will magically know what the limits are.

The previous code example showed how the {threads} wildcard can be used to get the actual number of cores allocated to an action. This value can be passed in as a command-line argument or set to an environment variable.

Chaining multiple commands

Up until now, most of our commands have fit on one line. To execute multiple bash commands, the only modification we need to make is use a Python multiline string (begin and end with """ or ''').

One important addition we should be aware of is the && operator. && is a bash operator that runs commands as part of a chain. If the first command fails, the remaining steps are not run. This is more forgiving than bash’s default “hit an error and keep going” behavior. After all, if the first command failed, it’s unlikely the other steps will work.

Let’s modify count_words to chain the echo and python commands (Windows users may have already done this):

rule count_words:
    output: 'dats/{file}.dat'
    threads: 4
        echo "Running {input.cmd} with {threads} cores." &&
        python {input.cmd} {} {output}

Managing other types of resources

Not all compute resources are CPUs. Examples might include limited amounts of RAM, number of GPUs, database locks, or perhaps we simply don’t want multiple processes writing to the same file at once. All non-CPU resources are handled using the resources keyword.

For our example, let’s pretend that creating a plot with requires dedicated access to a GPU (it doesn’t), and only one GPU is available. How do we indicate this to Snakemake so that it knows to give dedicated access to a GPU for rules that need it? Let’s modify the make_plot rule as an example:

rule make_plot:
    output: 'plots/{file}.png'
    resources: gpu=1
    shell: 'python {input.cmd} {input.dat} {output}'

We can execute our pipeline using the following (using 4 cores and 1 gpu):

snakemake clean
snakemake -c 4 --resources gpu=1
Provided cores: 4
Rules claiming more threads will be scaled down.
Provided resources: gpu=1
# other output removed for brevity

If you examine the output carefully, you should be able to see that the make_plot rules are no longer run in parallel. Since you have indicated that just one GPU is available, and each instance of make_plot requires one GPU, Snakemake runs the rules one at a time.

Resources are entirely arbitrary - like wildcards, they can be named anything. Snakemake knows nothing about them aside from the fact that they have a name and a value. In this case gpu indicates simply that there is a resource called gpu used by make_plot. We provided 1 gpu to the workflow, and the gpu is considered in use as long as the rule is running. Once the make_plot rule completes, the gpu it consumed is added back to the pool of available gpus.

But what happens if we run our pipeline without specifying the number of GPUs?

snakemake clean
snakemake -c 4
Provided cores: 4
Rules claiming more threads will be scaled down.
Unlimited resources: gpu

If you have specified that a rule needs a certain resource, but do not specify how many you have, Snakemake will assume that the resources in question are unlimited.

Note that this is opposite to --cores which defaults to 1.

What happens if Snakemake does not have enough resources?

Modify your Snakefile and the snakemake arguments to test what happens when you have less resources available than the number required by a rule.

For example, you might set gpu=2 in make_plot, and then run snakemake --resources gpu=1.

What do you think will happen? What actually happens?


Similar to the case where a rule specifies more threads than are available, the rule still runs.

Resource constraints will limit the maximum number of rules that Snakemake will attempt to run at the same time, but not the minimum. Where sufficient resources are not available, Snakemake will still run at least one task.

Once again, it is up to the code being run by the rule to check that sufficient resources are actually available.

The Bash if test approach used for {threads} works equally well to check for minimum required resource values. Just use {resources.gpu} (or your actual resource name) to access the value.

Other uses for resources

Resources do not have to correspond to actual compute resources. Perhaps one rule is particularly I/O heavy, and it’s best if only a limited number of these jobs run at a time. Or maybe a type of rule uses a lot of network bandwidth as it downloads data. In all of these cases, resources can be used to constrain access to arbitrary compute resources so that each rule can run efficiently.

Snakemake will run your rules in such a way as to maximize throughput given your resource constraints.

Key Points

  • Use threads to indicate the number of cores required by a rule.

  • Use the -c argument to Snakemake to indicate how many CPU cores can be used for parallel tasks.

  • Resources are arbitrary and can be used for anything.

  • The && operator is a useful tool when chaining bash commands.

  • While available resources will limit the total number of tasks that can execute in parallel, Snakemake will attempt to run at least one task even when sufficient resources are not available.

  • It is up to you to tell the applications called by Snakemake how many resources it should be using.

  • If your rule requires a minimum number of cores or resources, you can use a Bash if test to check the requirements.